Top Linux Commands for Linux Administrators
The essential tools for interacting with and controlling an operating system based on Linux are Linux commands.
Having command proficiency with these commands enables users to effectively interact with their systems, from file manipulation to system setup and network administration.
This thorough tutorial will explore the most important Linux commands, including tips, examples, and useful apps to help you become more proficient with Linux system operations and make the most of your command-line expertise.
Here are some useful Linux commands that may help you to do day-to-day work.
Files and Folders Related
Change Directory
cd /path/to/folder
List files and directories in the path
ls -lh
Check current directory
Delete the folder
rm -rf /path/to/directory
Delete the file
rm filename
Create a symlink (shortcut)
ln -s /path/to/file /path/to/symlink
Read the file
cat /path/to/file
tail /path/to/file
Edit the file
vi /path/to/file
nano /path/to/file
Copy file
cp filename /path/to/destination
mv -v /path/of/source /path/to/destination
Rename the file
mv [options] source_file destination_file
To find the path
For ex:- to find the nginx directory location
which nginx
To search the files or directory
find / -name "long.txt"
Find Files on the System by name
Enables to mount even remote file system
Change the ownership of the file or directories
sudo chown user:group /path/to/directory
Use -R to recursively change the owner and groups for all underneath files and directories
sudo chown -R user:group /path/to/directory
Check the permission of files and directories
ls -l
Change permissions
sudo chmod 755 /path/to/file
for more information on octal values refer to
If you want to change the user owning this file or directory (folder), you will have to use the command chown
. For instance, if you run
sudo chown username: myfolder
the user owning myfolder will remain. Then you can execute below command to add the write permission to the username user.
sudo chmod u+w myfolder
if you want to add this user to the group associated with “myfolder”, you can run
sudo usermod -a -G groupname username
and then execute to add the write permission to the group
sudo chmod g+w myfolder
Memory and Processes Related
To check the running processes sorted by memory
ps -eo pid,ppid,cmd,%mem,%cpu --sort=-%mem
The other command is Top which gives some brief information about memory on the system and locations of the process
top -c -b -o +%MEM | head -n 100 | tail -100
Simple Memory Check
free -m
To show the memory map of the Process
pmap {PID}
Services Related
List down the services
systemctl --type=service
to filter the running services only
systemctl --type=service --state=running
Restart the Service
systemctl restart servicename
Enable Service
systemctl enable
Disable Service
systemctl disable
To clear the Service cache due to changes
systemctl daemon-reload
To clear the failed Services from the list
systemctl reset-failed
Ports and PID-Related
To know the Ports being used by running processes with PID
sudo ss -plunt
sudo lsof -i -P -n | grep LISTEN
Disk Space Related
Check the space on Linux
df -h
To thoroughly check the space used by which path
du -h -d1 /path/to/folder
To show the “Top 10 directories”
du -Sh / | sort -rh | head -10
find / -type f -exec du -Sh {} + | sort -rh | head -n 10
Delete large amount of files by date
If the files are not modified after initial creation, you could delete them if they have not been modified in over 90 days:
find /path/to/folder ! -type d -mtime +90 -exec rm -f {} +
Show directory space usage.
To Increase the Disk Space
Please check this Article
Root Admin
To Enter the Sudo mode
sudo -i
App or Package Installation and Removal
To Install the app
CentOS Command
yum install app name
*make sure the current repo is updated or the file is downloaded in case of manual installation
Ubuntu Command
apt-get install app name
To remove the app
yum remove app name
apt-get remove app name
Update or Patching the Linux
yum update -y
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
sudo reboot
Clear screen
Compress or Extract files or directories
ZIP/Compress the file or directories
tar -czvf archive.tar.gz /path/to/file or folder
Extract file or folder
tar -xzvf filename.tar.gz -C /path/to/folder
Network Related
Check the Private IP Address of the system
ifconfig -a
ifconfig eth0
Change the IP address
check this article on How to Change IP Address in Ubuntu: A Comprehensive Guide
To find out the public IP (Gateway outbound IP)
Check IP route
ip r
Check the traceroute
Track network performance
to Check the opened connections
To display the program
netstat -p
To display the ports
netstat -s
To display route
netstat -r
DNS related
Add Local Host record
sudo nano /etc/hosts
sudo nano
SSL or certificate related
Update Local CA Certificate
upload the local ca file pem or crt to your home directory via WinSCP
cp mycert.crt /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/
update-ca-trust extract
cp mycert.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/
sudo update-ca-certificates
Time Date and Timezone related
Check timezone
ls -l /etc/localtime
list timezones
timedatectl list-timezones
set timezone
sudo timedatectl set-timezone name of the zone
Allow firewall port
firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=80/tcp
firewall-cmd --list-ports
firewall-cmd --reload
User and Password Related
Create a new user with password
sudo adduser "username"
su - "username"
*enter the password twice
Create a new user with ssh key and without a password
sudo adduser "username" --disabled-password
Cent OS
sudo adduser "username"
Run below commands further in Linux (works on both centos or ubuntu)
su - "username"
mkdir .ssh
chmod 700 .ssh
touch .ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys
Options to use PPK files
- Create a new SSH public key directly in the server, run the below commands (if you already have the key then skip to step 2.)
ssh-keygen -t rsa
cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys
Copy the Public and Private keys to a .ppk file to your desktop, that will be used at a later stage to log in from Putty or WinSCP.
2. if you need to use an existing SSH user public key or a key generated from puttygen software, run the below command and paste the public key
nano .ssh/authorized_keys
Press Ctrl+X, Enter Y to save the file, and exit. Now, bypass the below steps and continue with next step to add user to sudo group
Exit from new user
allow user to wheel or sudo group to have no password access
sudo usermod -aG sudo username
Cent OS
sudo usermod -aG wheel username
Edit VIsudo
sudo visudo
In the editor, add the following line at the very bottom, but before the #includedir
Cent OS
Look for ##Allow root to run any commands anywhere, add the below line.
Make sure you have added PermitRootLogin without-password in sshd_config if not then please add it to the below location
sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Change the password of the existing user
Get the UID and GID for the users
cat /etc/passwd
to get to know about a specific user
cat /etc/passwd | grep username
List existing Users
cat /etc/passwd
less /etc/passwd
more /etc/passwd
Group Related
List existing Groups
cat /etc/group
less /etc/group
more /etc/group
Add Existing User to the Group
sudo usermod -a -G groupName userName
Web Related
To download the content
wget https://website url
To test the website
curl https://website url
To list the enabled modules in Linux
for example:- list the PHP modules installed
sudo dnf module php
System Information:
Display system information.
Monitor system resources.
top or htop
CPU information.
cat /proc/cpuinfo
List block devices.
fdisk -l
Display the system date and time.
I hope the above Linux commands will be useful for your day-to-day operations managing the Linux server.
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